Top Tips For Commuting by Train

Commuting by train? Many people are now starting to resume their commute by train or perhaps start a new one after getting a new job during COVID-19. Getting the train can be preferable to driving because there are many ways that you can use this time and it can be a lot less stressful than having to navigate traffic during rush hour. So, what are a few of the best ways that you can use this time on the train?

Table of Contents

Get a Head Start With Work

For many people, the train journey is an opportunity to get a head start with the day’s work. If you ever feel overwhelmed when you get into work and feel that there are not enough hours in the day then this can be a good option. Responding to emails, creating a plan for the day and checking over documents are just a few tasks that you could get done on the journey.

Life Admin

The train journey is also a chance to take care of some life admin that needs doing. Creating a grocery list, doing some online shopping, making plans for the weekend or checking in with friends and family are just a few tasks that are well-suited to commuting by train.

Learn Something New

Many people also find that learning something new is an enjoyable and practical way to spend the time on the train. This could be something related to work or something like learning a new language. It can be hard to find the time for things like this, so a commute is a good opportunity to learn something new.


For many people, the train is a chance to unwind before and/or after work. You do not have the stress of having to drive, so it is a good chance to sit back and unwind. You could do this by reading a book, meditating, listening to a podcast/music or simply gazing out the window. 


If your mornings are a mad rush, you might find that the train is the best time to have breakfast so that you do not have to worry about it while at home. You can make your mornings less of a mad rush by booking your train ticket online in advance and having breakfast that you can tuck into on the train. 

Hopefully, this will give you a few ideas for ways that you can make the most out of your daily commute on the train that could improve your work and/or life.
