5 of the Best Pet Snakes You Could Possibly Get!
Snakes have captured the human imagination through their aloof qualities and beautiful array of looks for centuries. It is little wonder that we have eventually decided to enjoy their company within our own homes as pets. However, not every snake makes for a good companion animal, and would be better off appreciated in the wild or at a zoo. So, which snakes make good pets anyway? What qualities make them suitable for human captivity? We hope to answer those questions and more through this article.
1. Ball Python (Python Regius)
Also known as the royal python, ball pythons are prized for their impressive beauty, convenient size, excellent temperaments, and variety of morphs. Being from Central and West Africa, the ball python is accustomed to the drier climates of the local grasslands and forest. These snakes are famously relaxed and tolerant, making them easy to handle and transport.
2. Corn Snake (Pantherophis Guttatus)
With a beautiful range of sunset-like pelt colors, it’s easy to see why the corn snake has gained massive popularity as a house pet in recent years. Like many of the snakes on this list, they reach approximately 4 feet as an adult. However, unlike many snakes, males tend to reach the larger end of the size potential in this species.
3. Boa Constrictor (scientific name also Boa Constrictor)
This snake is by far the largest entry on our list, growing up to around 8 feet and length and weighing in at approximately 30 pounds. While the sheer size of this animal does pose a few logistical obstacles such as procuring food for your pet or finding the space for its enclosure, they still have many qualities that make them wonderful companions. The Columbian and Central American varieties of boa constrictors are more common in the pet industry.
4. Sand Boa (Gongylophis Colubrinus)
Being the smallest variety of boa (growing to around 2 feet in length), these snakes prefer to burrow under the sand in an attempt to escape predators and wait for prey. Because of this, they have adopted a flat, shovel-like snout, and eyes that rest more toward the
top of their heads. If you are someone looking for a snake for sale who happens to have some space restrictions in your home, this is an excellent choice for you.
5. African House Snake (Lamprophis)
Another moderately sized constrictor, this snake has made its home around human settlements and villages for ages. There, they are
much appreciated for their ability to keep harmful pests at bay. As pets, they make for tolerant, easy-to-handle animals.
Final Thoughts
There’s a reason that the snakes for sale on this list make such popular pets. They are docile, low-maintenance, unique pets that make wonderful additions to many families. If you are willing to open your hearts and homes to these slithery critters, they will reward you with years and even decades of quality companionship. All it takes is a little bit of preparation and setup to make sure that you’re giving your new snake the best life possible.