5 Major Signs Your App is Due For An Update

When a business releases an app, eventually, the time will come for it to be updated. Whether it be weekly or monthly, you need to be able to recognize when your app needs improvement because the only way forward is to be able to stay ahead of the curve of the ever-changing trends and innovative software.

When updating, programmers mostly start with updating containers. Containerized applications can enjoy easier upgrades and rollbacks with a K8s engine technology like this.

1. New and exclusive features

Whenever you decide to add major new features to your application, it is a sign that the app needs updating. Major features like authentication syncing across devices and third-party integration will always affect the app’s programming and overall running. 

You must do a lot of research to achieve the desired outcome, and many factors should be considered, for example, how the major feature will affect the minor version.

2. Codebase is outdated

A code base is the complete body of the source code of any application. Source codes are considered old even when they have existed for two years. Technology keeps changing. Therefore you need to consider not only these in-app years but also if your code is lengthy, not following standards, or the latest programming trends and approaches when considering an update. 

Updating your code base requires a lot of commitment and accuracy. That’s why developers usually define a time interval where the older version can no longer function.

3. Performance issues

The success of an app is linked with its performance. There are a few ways to monitor this and determine the problem. 

  1. Check and monitor the total number of users who log on or use the application over a period of time.
  2. Check how much time users spend on the app.
  3. Check the percentage of users visiting the app over 90 days.

When the issue is identified, then you can properly develop a major update to solve or enhance the app’s performance.

4. User feedback

Customer feedback helps any business, and when it comes to apps, it helps the developer understand their audience and enhance the intended purpose of their application. 

Communicating with users provides significant insights and allows you to craft ideas from the consumer’s opinions.

Keeping up with reviews on social media or the application purchasing site is how the developer will know what to fix, how to fix it, and when to start. A great example is WhatsApp and its constant user updates that usually come from research and constant user complaints and suggestions linked to innovation and functionality.

5. Reaching new audience and platform

There are many updates that sole purpose is to allow the app to reach new audiences or platforms. For example, the app may be compatible with a certain operating system, so an update would enable it to work across multiple devices and open a larger market.

An update may also allow you to reach new users by enhancing performance or allowing users to interact more with the developer and interface. Some updates customize the app to fit the changing trends and market research.

Therefore, major updates like these must evaluate factors orientation, display, graphics, OS, and technology stack, to name a few. 

Before you go

Remember that updating an app is only natural for any application to survive. In this competitive tech world, success is determined by those that survive or are willing to adapt to survive. As a developer, updates are the bedrock for maintaining a successful app. Identifying them saves time and helps with efficiency.